Rabu, 20 Januari 2010
Minggu, 10 Januari 2010
Traffic Ribuan Pengunjung dalam 5 menit
Disaat kita sudah mempunyai Website, langkah berikutnya adalah mendatangkan traffic ke website kita. Banyak orang yang sudah action di bisnis dan sudah mempunyai website, namun lupa untuk mempromosikannya. Alhasil, bisnisnya adem ayem, tidak ada pengunjung dan secara otomatis tidak ada customer atau pembeli, lama kelamaan mati suri.
Saya punya cara untuk mendatangkan traffic ribuan pengunjung dalam waktu yang sangat singkat yaitu hanya butuh waktu 5 menit saja. Cara ini bisa dipraktekkan siapa saja dan dimana saja, baik pemula maupun yang sudah mahir.
Bagaimana Caranya?
Bagi saya: Untuk mendatangkan traffic ke website kita, saya bagi 2
1. Cara Beriklan di Google Adword: Nah, Cara ini adalah Cara Paling Jitu yang sampai saat ini belum Terkalahkan dengan cara lainnya. Iklan anda akan tayang di Google Search dalam waktu 5 menit saja, tidak butuh waktu yang lama, secara otomatis iklan anda akan tersebar ke seantero dunia (tergantung kita setting negara mana saja sewaktu setting google adword). Untuk beriklan di Google Adword anda bisa sign up dulu di www.adwords.google.com
2. Cara SEO: Cara ini adalah cara Gratis untuk mendatangkan traffic ke website kita. Permasalahannya adalah: semua orang di dunia inginnya Gratis, jadi disini anda harus rebutan, gebuk-gebukan, tindih-tindihan, dengan cara adu optimasi on page dan adu optimasi off page. Nah Jika ada yang lagi adu SEO sebanyak 1000 peserta (1000 website), mereka semua ingin tampil di halaman pertama Google, atau rangking 1 – 10 atau juga disebut merika ingin peringkat Top Ten Google, Mungkinkah? Jawabannya Tidak Mungkin, Jika 1000 peserta maka nanti ada yang kalah dan ada yang menang. Jadi, ada yang juara 1 -10, dan ada yang juara 11 – 1000. Anda semua harus tahu ini.
Nah bagaimana solusinya?
Untuk awal, siapapun orangnya… baik pemula maupun pakar internet marketing… pakailah cara beriklan di google adword dulu, baru websitenya kita optimasi SEO.
Yang penting kita jualan dulu, dapat untung, baru website kita optimasi untuk mainan tindih-tindihan dengan website lain di SEO.
Kalah menang di SEO tidak penting, yang penting jualan kita dapat untung. Inilah yang saya sebut Tehnik Jalanan tapi hasil miliaran. Kalau kata Pak Tung: Show me the money… Jualan dulu, dapat untung baru branding.
Nah, sudahkah anda beriklan di Google Adwords? Action sekarang juga!
Kamis, 07 Januari 2010
Recognize and prevent the spread of the virus
Computer virus is a set of binary codes with very small size that is programmed to reproduce themselves and to manipulate the computer system pd. In a simple computer virus is a program to breed self didlm computer system even though tsb.sdh computer didlm antivirus installed. However, the pot they will be able to break the defense.
There are several ways for analyzing the existence by sight yg symptoms appear. Least of the following symptoms may be indicators of whether the computer tsb.terjangkit or ill.
Lbh contributory programs occurred as a result slow the virus anticipatory terminate and stay resident, wrote in the memory needed for a place to live should be used for reply to run the program used by the virus.
Size distorted camp program because the virus files
Selasa, 05 Januari 2010
how to enlarge your penis
You CAN enlarge your penis by using just a few simple exercises and techniques! . All of which made only a few minutes a day, and the results are permanent! . This method is 100% natural. Without the pump, pills, and certainly no surgery.
"TRUE MAN" is a team that continues to study and examine this. Exercises and techniques that have been proven to enlarge the penis 1 to 4 cm or more. Some clients even have gained more than 4, 5 cm! . This program is a training program to strengthen / enlarge and extend a vital tool and will be visible results within the first 2-4 weeks.
This technique is 100% safe, natural, and proven effective. And technically the doctors recommend the use of this technique.
With practice, you will learn to enlarge your penis 1 to 4 cm or more, naturally and safely, using simple techniques and exercises. Not only long, but you can strengthen / enlarge the penis. You will see results within the first 2-4 weeks!
You CAN enlarge the penis extending from 1 to 4 cm in the home, without dangerous and do not use expensive equipment (pumps), drugs, and without surgery. This is not a drug to make your penis grow, this proves that the methods and techniques that you can do right now that has been perfected. Many of our clients have used this method to obtain good results.
Next ....
Why men are not satisfied and less confident with genitals?
1. The average erect penis size is only 10 cm. More than 90% of all HE has this size.
2. 85% of all people, can not have a relationship more than 3 minutes before ejaculation.
3. 30 Million people in the
4. The majority of people who are very poor blood circulation to the penis, caused by irregular exercise.
5. At age 29 years, 96% of these people do not get an erection as much as 1 / 5, different from those when they were 20 years of age.
6. More than 98% of men would increase the size of their penis if they knew how.
7. 67% of women admitted that they were not happy with their partners penis size.
Did you know that in a survey, 67% of all women admitted that they were not happy with the size of penis? ? ? , This proves that penis size is very important for happiness partner. Women view men with a penis size larger as more sexually attractive and able to enhance sexuality. The overall larger penis size also means the surface area of a larger, more stimulating nerve endings, so that intercourse will be more passionate and more comfortable for you and your partner .. A larger penis and longer, this is a visual fire for your partner.
Next ....
How to work in the Corpora Cavernosa and lengthen the penis larger.
It is important to know about the parts of the penis.
Basically, your penis consists of 3 main parts, a large room in 2 above, technically called the Corpora Cavernosa, and 1 smaller chamber on the bottom of the corpus spongiosum.
If an erection your penis will fill with blood flow third room. The corpus spongiosum is a room used mainly when you urinate and ejaculate.
But Corpora Cavernosa is the main function room holding the blood from the penis. Where 90% of all the blood that saved every time you get an erection. Your penis size is limited in both length and width, and the maximum your Corpora Cavernosa can fill with blood. This means that it is impossible for you to get a bigger penis by itself, because the blood that fills the penis is filled CorporaCavernosa maximum size.
The only true method of penis enlargement is to properly develop and enlarge your Corpora Cavernosa. This is only possible through the use of special exercises and techniques made especially for penile growth.
So, how Corpora Cavernosa enlarged?
This exercise really knock down the walls that have been damaged cells from the Corpora Cavernosa and forced into the blood, with this exercise will regrow the cells that had, so that the circulation of blood to the penis will be more smoothly and the growth of the penis would have increased in numbers and length.
Your penis is basically like the other parts of your body, because it can be formed and developed substantially larger and more powerful than today.
Did you know that the average person to reach orgasm only under less than 3 minutes!
Through the use of exercises and proper technique, the average person can develop a system to control the occurrence of ejaculation and even achieve a few times / ejaculate repeatedly.
This very simple technique of the instructions manual penis exercises to develop and enlarge your Corpora Cavernosa.
Engineering practice your Corpora Cavernosa it will allow to store more blood that develops and bigger and more powerful.
Consider this, if you work outside the gym on a regular basis, you will expect to gain muscle growth, right? The same principle applies to the penis, we were specifically designed using the techniques and exercises regularly, you can develop a big penis and achieve growth, ability and strength.
The main benefits of our program is that it still produces PERMANENT RESULTS.
All of these exercises and simple techniques to perform, safe and does not cause pain, and in fact, with this exercise is actually quite pleasant. This method will be done only by using your hands, no drugs, pumps and definitely no surgery.
This technique has been used for centuries in other cultures, and is now available to you directly
Practical Exercises For Stomach
First of course, sit-ups, how to diminution of the most popular stomach. But the sit-ups are more okay again when varied with cross motion. Not just a straight up and down. When he woke up, your right elbow is directed to the left leg, and vice versa alternately.
Before a lot of practice there are some things you need to remember to avoid "accidents".
1. When sit-ups should never pull or push the flat and the head.
2. Keep your feet do not move. Let your stomach working.
3. Press into the abdomen during the exercise.
The following few examples of light exercise for the stomach.
1. Basic crunches: Lie on your back with your knees is folded and feet flat touching the floor. Place hands behind his head. By using the abdominal muscles, lift your shoulders. Return to starting position and repeat 10-12 times.
2. Practicing with a towel. Stand up straight holding a small towel over his head. Tighten your stomach and forms a large circular motion with a towel, repeat 8-10 times and turn the other direction.
3. exercises with the ball, sit on the ball and, movement of the foot so the ball rolled slowly into the back. If your body is parallel with the floor to place his hands behind his head. Then by using the abdominal muscles lift your shoulders toward your hips right menjuju left. Return to the parallel position and repeat the other side.
Practical Exercises For Stomach Mengecilkan Buncit
Have a cool belly, and a desire for faster almost every person, but to make the stomach has an ideal form needed a little more effort, not enough just to sit-up hundreds of times a day. In addition to sit-up exercise like jogging, swimming, aerobic, Jalan Santai can also help shrink your stomach. But, practice as hard as possible also is not gonna make your stomach is not okay if your diet is balanced as to reduce the fat in the abdominal area. Okay, please follow the following tips to get the stomach as you desire.
First of course, sit-ups, how to diminution of the most popular stomach. But the sit-ups are more okay again when varied with cross motion. Not just a straight up and down. When he woke up, your right elbow is directed to the left leg, and vice versa alternately.
Before a lot of practice there are some things you need to remember to avoid "accidents".
1. When sit-ups should never pull or push the flat and the head.
2. Keep your feet do not move. Let your stomach working.
3. Press into the abdomen during the exercise.
Now after you are ready, here are some examples of light exercise for the stomach.
1. Basic crunches: Lie on your back with your knees is folded and feet flat touching the floor. Place hands behind his head. By using the abdominal muscles, lift your shoulders. Return to starting position and repeat 10-12 times.
2. Practicing with a towel. Stand up straight holding a small towel over his head. Tighten your stomach and forms a large circular motion with a towel, repeat 8-10 times and turn the other direction.
3. exercises with the ball, sit on the ball and, movement of the foot so the ball rolled slowly into the back. If your body is parallel with the floor to place his hands behind his head. Then by using the abdominal muscles lift your shoulders toward your hips right menjuju left. Return to the parallel position and repeat the other side.
Tips Download Video Youtube Free Free With The How To
How to download videos on Youtube - Youtube say no death, how is not from my online activity overall will surely stop to youtube to stop by and look at the latest video. What about you, youtube for the netter is a necessity, hehhe. This time will tell Pancallok tips on how to download youtube videos free free in many ways a very easy to put into practice. Udah on youtube know it, hari gini ngga know youtube, where aje lo, xixixi.
Youtube.com is the largest streaming video service that ever existed. Millions of people use the video share service for various purposes, such as business or hobby. We can only watch videos online, so when he wanted to play again the next day Day ato-auto the next day we should be online first. Well, it is necessary to download these videos on youtube to be satisfied through dinonton up offline. Here's how to download youtube videos in many ways a fairly easy, practical, and of course free alias free.
Cara Download Video Youtube:
1. Youtube downloader
* You can use youtube video downloader, free software is very easy to use. Always use the latest version.
2. Firefox plugin
* You can download videos on youtube just by using add ons firefox plugin called Video DownloadHelper. Always use the latest update
3. Web Based
* By using the website http://keepvid.com/. How it works quite easily live copy and paste the url address you want the video downloaded to a text form field provided address keepvid, and then click download. Then display the download link in the form of files or Mp4 Flv
* In addition you can also keepvid use http://www.clipnabber.com/. How to use the same Keepvid
4. Temporary Internet Files
* You can also download youtube videos without any software just by looking for the youtube video directly in the temporary Internet files in your windows explorer. Suffice it to play youtube videos right on your browser firefox, opera, or IE. Play the video until the end and then go to the temporary Internet files in your windows explorer. Tools > Folder Option > View > Kemudian pilih Show Hidden Files and Folders dan hilangkan centang Hide extensions for known file types" onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#ebeff9'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='#fff'">But before you have to go first to the Windows Explorer> Tools> Folder Options> View> then select the Show Hidden Files and Folders and remove the check Hide extensions for known file types
* To download videos on Youtube with firefox way is after the video played to completion in the Temporary Internet files, with the location C: \ Documents and Settings \ Your User Name \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Mozilla \ Firefox \ Profiles \ 2n13k5n3.default \ Cache (color code them according to your computer)
* To download youtube videos with opera way is after the video plays until the end. Sign in to C: \ Documents and Settings \ Your User Name \ Local Settings \ Application Data \ Opera \ Opera \ profile \ cache4
Internet Options > General > Setting > View Files" onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#ebeff9'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='#fff'">* To download videos on Youtube with Internet Explorer, open IE Browser click tools menu> Internet Options> General> Settings> View Files
* After opening one of the temporary Internet files over, then you will see several lists cache files, find files that most large usually above 1 MB. Once you can copy and paste to another folder and then rename the file by adding extensions. Flv files for example you can cache 4F3A3515d07 you must rename the file to 4F3A3515d07.flv
How to take care Computer Tips To keep long time and not easily damaged
1. Defrag your hard drive regularly. Defrag function is to organize and sort your files by type of hard disk files / data in such a way that will ease the process of read / write so that the workload will be easier to reply eventually extend disk. Do I click the Start menu> Programs> Accesories> System Tools> Disk Defragmenter. When running this function there can be no other programs including screen savers holiday because it would disrupt the function of this defrag.
2. Activate screensaver addition to the aesthetic nature, screensavers have other functions mouthful. CRT television also use phosphor to display images. If the monitor displays the same image for a while then there is a burning phosphorus continuously. This can cause problems which monitors the image becomes dim / less clear. Others as if your monitor is LCD, LED is fully equipped with energy saving, the screensaver no longer needed so much. + How to activate the screensaver can be done in many ways, one click Start> Control Panel> Display> click the screensaver tab, then select according to taste.
3. Place adequate ventilation monitor and the CPU so that ventilation air from and to the monitor / CPU quite smoothly. Half-good ventilation will cause excessive heat so that the components / electronic circuit in it would be a fast heat so that it can shorten component life tsb. Therefore, try to distance between the monitor / CPU with wall / wall of at least 30 cm. If you need to plug the fan in the room.
4. Wear stavolt.Pakailah UPS UPS or power failure to anticipate the sudden reply can cause damage to the hard drive. If no UPS is forced, wear Stavolt to anticipate the ups and downs of the electric voltage.
5. Close / close programs useless reply reply Every program needs to load or run memory (RAM) so that more programs running yg yg more memory consumed. This addition can cause a slow Kompie (lelet) workload also becomes more severe may eventually shorten yg age components / Kompie.
6. Install and update antivirus programs regularly virus/trojan2 To be able to recognize a new antivirus program should update periodically. Yg virus already spreading in the computer can make you re-install Kompie. This is in addition to costs will also cause the hard disk will be faster Ente damaged than if not often reinstalled.
7. Clean the Recycle Bin is rutinSebenarnya files / folders do not reply we remove immediately disappear from the disk because it will be accommodated in the Recycle Bin first was with the intention that in a moment if you still need to return again. Recycle Bin-me will also take up a lot of disk space can cause readings yg disk so lelet.Caranya run Windows Explorer> click the Recycle Bin> click File> click Empty Bin Or Recyle can run the Disk Cleanup function Please click Start> Programs> Accessories> System Tools > Disk Cleanup> and then select the drive to be cleaned reply> after the Recycle Bin Tick option if necessary centangi also wrote another (such as temporary files, temporary Internet files), after click OK.
8. Active Speacker Do not put too close to the monitor because the existing magnetic field on the speakers will affect the color of the monitor screen becomes uneven or brindle.
9. Uninstall or remove programs is not useful yg yg disk space consumed too much will slow down the read / write drive so that the workload will be heavy so be easily damaged disk.
10. Clean motherboards & other peripherals from the dust periodically. At least six months this should be done. Open the casing first and then clean the motherboard and other peripherals (RAM, Video Card, Modem, Sound Card, CDR / CDRW / DVRW, TV tuner) with a soft brush. At the moment did not use the computer shut the computer (monitor, CPU, keyboard / mouse) with a cover so that dust does not easily fit into the Kompie.
11. Connect the ground cable. If the casing nyetrum, take the necessary cable length, the one end connected to the body CPU (the casing) while the other end of the reply is planted in the ground. This will neutralize the electrical current can reply "stray" that can make more durable electronic components
كيفية جعل كفاءة السيارات والدراجات النارية
موقف القيادة
1. نظرا للمتسابق أن يكون تركيز كامل على الطريق قدما فيما يتعلق أنحاء السيارة.
2. موقف المتسابق هو جزء مهم ويمكن استخدامها للاستفادة من طاقة الرياح.
إذا كانت الرياح تأتي من الاتجاه المعاكس (من الجبهة) ، يجلس القرفصاء الموقف سوف يساعد على التقليل من الرياح ، من ناحية أخرى إذا كان اتجاه الرياح (من الخلف) ، وتستقيم الموقف سيساعد على الاستفادة من طاقة الرياح. لنلاحظ ، أن قدميك دائما على القدمين.
3. الموقف من ناحية في حالة استرخاء وشكل سيكي 90 درجة أو أقل.
إعدادات المؤشر الغاز
1. إعدادات دورة في الدقيقة آلة نسج حاولت أن تكون ثابتة لأنها ستسفر عن كفاءة في استهلاك الوقود.
2. لا يكون ايضا متكررة المفتوح الغاز مغلقة. عندما توقفت عند الاشارة الضوئية الحمراء ، في محاولة للغاز في حالة صحية مستقرة.
كيفية عملية الأسنان
1. ليس في كثير من الأحيان لا تحول.
نفذ وفقا لظروف التشرد perseneling الطريق : مسطح ، وارتفاع أو انخفاض.
2. في وقت perseneling التشريد ، علما محرك منخفضة جدا لا تزيد السرعة لجعل الحمل الثقيل يصبح المحرك أو مرتفعة جدا مما أدى إلى استهلاك الوقود ليست الأمثل.
1. استبعاد أو تقليل سرعة يجب استخدام المكابح الأمامية والخلفية كذلك.
2. تجنب استخدام الفرامل المحرك لأنه يجعل الجهاز ثقيل والإسراف.
Likewise, I also can not be separated from the problem of being overweight as a child gave birth to 3 people. I experienced a total increase of up to 15 kg when calculated since before the first pregnancy.
April 2008 is my starting point on the diet to lose weight. At present (August 2008) I've run my diet program for 4 months and entered the 5th month. The diet that I do to lose weight is to diet without drugs or equipment to burn fat. I do not exercise to burn calories every day, but I only exercise once a week.
I decreased 0.5 kg - 1 kg per week. With dieting for 4 months, I managed to lose weight as much as 7 kg. This is the first time I go on a diet to lose weight and become a successful record of my first diet. I studied the various types of diets and diet programs, the sites containing articles as well as through diet and diet books to lose weight.
Successful weight loss diet as much as 7 pounds in 4 months to me is unusual and exciting, considering I did not use the aid of drugs or dietary products that can help you lose weight, and especially since I was a beginner.
I am going to share me how I managed to lose weight as much as 7 kg in 4 months (April-August). I will share diet tips that might be useful for you who want to lose weight.
In my many adopted dieting program reduced carbohydrate diets, and implement a healthy diet to increase the consumption of vegetables and fruits. I also learned from the blood group diet book Eat Right 4 Your Type, written by Dr. Peter J. D'Adamo and apply some things in my diet lead. Such as avoiding certain foods which can be expressed in a book gain weight. Instead, I eat some foods, vegetables, or fruit that can lower the stated weight.
Similarly, I apply the principles of Food Combining diet which also popularized by DR. William Hay, and little known by the name of the Hay System Diet or the Hay Diet. Several times I follow the 3 principles in this type of diet, namely that in principle by not mixing foods are alkaline and acid in one meal.
Occasionally I also run a fad diet is said to be regarded as an unhealthy diet by a nutritionist, a kind Cabbage Soup Diet and the 3-Day Diet. I apply the most low-carb diet is much known as the Atkins Diet. By doing this diet, I do not have to starve or feel faint. Unlike the low-calorie diets, low-carbohydrate diet allows dieters is to eat a satisfying amount, but there should be a selection of foods consumed. This variation in the diet of food choices made me the most was running diet.
Dietary patterns and diet that I apply is
Monday through Friday
- Breakfast and lunch without white rice or foods made from flour such as noodles, pasta, white bread.
* Sample diet for breakfast:
1. An apple and poached eggs 2 eggs
2. broccoli and cook knows Japanese oyster sauce
3. Aka Frozen Vegetables Frozen Vegetable (carrots, green beans, corn) cooked oyster sauce
plus 2 eggs boiled eggs
4. Wholemeal bread plus a hard-boiled eggs
* Sample menu for lunch diet
1. Cah chicory with garlic plus acids tough beef
2. Do not clear and corn pancakes and fried Empal
3. Carp /fish fried, tofu fried , eggplant.
4. vegetable soup, fried chicken, beef eye egg / boiled egg.
- Dinner as usual with a sufficient source of carbohydrates and 4 healthy side dish.
- Snack or a snack between lunch and dinner: fruit, like watermelon, papaya, bananas, oranges, apples. Pieces of fruit mixed with a little spice palm sugar, peanuts, garlic, tamarind (sweet rujak) is also a healthy snack and low-carb.
Saturday and Sunday
- Break in other words I do not like the strict diet on Monday through Friday; Eat as usual with a healthy side dish 4.
As I write this, I still run the above diet. I did occasionally break; because of the large discount tempting restaurants offer or promotion program all you can eat which I think is quite cheap.
I LOW target weight 7 pounds again until the end of the year 2008. I am not too ambitious to succeed diet in a short time, because in addition to torture, nor healthy; Not to mention the possibility of gaining weight after a diet program running.
I'll share tips on a healthy diet which I did on another occasion, considering how much detail in a healthy diet program.
I also would appreciate it if anyone would share experience of success or failure and the obstacles to losing weight. Let your personal experience to share it can be a guide and helper for other readers to successful weight loss diet.