Can not be denied again, Facebook is one of the popular friendship site of many, perhaps you are one of them. From the social aspect, Facebook is very useful to establish friendships, both new friends and old friends who have not seen, thanks to Facebook eventually be intertwined relationship again. However, not everyone knows that Facebook turned out to be useful for business, Facebook can be used as a means to find money. So how do I find this money through facebook? This is what I will inform some ways, tips and triks use facebook for business purposes as well as explore potential business opportunities what is contained in the facebook site, so the Facebook site we use not only for friendship, but more important is to make money through Facebook. Here are some benefits of facebook for your business needs:
First, Sell Products Through Facebook. You can present and market your product directly through the network of friends. Does it sell products to your friends or sell products through a group who are in a network formed by region, workplaces, schools, colleges and others. In order for your friends and your group know about the product you sell, then you need to display products with market applications or the Market Place. The steps include:
* Participate in a network, first go to the Account settings in a way: Select the option Settings> Account Settings.
* In the Account Settings page, select the Network tab, then type the network name you want to follow, such as Indonesia, or Jakarta, and so on.
* If you have, click Join the Network button and you will receive confirmation of successful registration to the network.
* The next step is to set Application Market (Marketplace) and display your products. Select the Applications button in the lower left corner of your Facebook page, choose the Browse option Other Applications.
* Next comes a new page, on the left side, choose a search option, type the keyword "marketplace" and Enter
* After that look for and click the Marketplace application
* Select the Go To Applications
* The next page is Marketplace Categories, there are several options, including sale, (Items For Sale) Housing (Housing), Vehicles (Vehicle), Lowongan Pekerjaan (Jobs), and More. Here you can choose the product category you want to sell, for example Select this option by clicking on the Items For Sale For Sale
* The next step is to write the title product you want to sell, at the Post Items For Sale
* Then a window will appear that provides access to the Permit Application Marketplace, click the Allow button
* On the next page, write the product name in the Title box, then fill the box Why are You Selling It? for example, is filled with Need Money, then fill in the price Price, then the contents of the location and contents of the box the product description Description / Description.
* Check the profile option, Sign up, Privacy.
* Choose Choose or Scan button on the Image to display product images. Then search for the product images on your computer, if it is click the Open button. Check the Terms of Use
* Click Submit
* Next select the option Share residing in the upper right corner.
* The next step select the Send to Profile and then click the Send button
* Done. You can see the look of this product in your profile page.
Secondly, Advertising Through Facebook. This advertising basically the same as selling a product, only way to do is direct write your product description as it sent a message, or you create albums and upload photos related to your product, it can also be categorized advertising with a friend or group of networks. My wife's friend selling bags in this manner. However, real advertising through Facebook is to advertise the request by clicking the button at the bottom of the ads Facebook page. Advertisers must pay to advertise on Facebook for this. Overview of advertising on Facebook as follows:
* Design your ad. Make creative design, including a title for your ad (maximum 25 characters including spaces) and your ad text (maximum 135 characters including spaces) in the space provided. You can also menggunggah a photo or image. However, is optional.
* Decide now, if you want to direct people to your web page or to a page on Facebook such as Page, Application, Group, or event. If you are already a board page, group, event, or your Facebook application, you can choose from the available options. At this stage, you can also choose to attach a social action in your ad. If you mencontreng box, we will be adding content that tells the user about the interaction of their friends with your brand or business on Facebook.
* Setting Target. Aim your prospects with demographic and psychographic filters of the people. By default, all target Facebook users aged 18 years and over in the default location. However, you are advised to change this to reach the people most appropriate for your ads. Be sure to refer to a figure close range to estimate the number of people that match your criteria.
* Promotion and Price. Give your campaign a name, but remember that ad with the same promotion will share showtimes. Now you can set your campaign, set a daily budget and your schedule. How much money do you want to spend every day? Now schedule your ads. Do you want your campaign continuously from the time your ad is approved or at the start and end date certain. Decide whether you want to pay per click or pay-per-view.
Third, Installing and Selling Facebook Application. This is a good way for those of you who have programming skills. Make an application that can be used on Facebook, the more interesting application is the greater the potential you get money through Facebook. For example games that offer a premium service, people can use the services when buying or berlanganan this application. Consider it a selling services.
Fourth, Looking for Investors. You can offer ideas and look for investors through your network of friends. If anyone is interested on your idea, the next step is to contact her personally either by email, telephone or face to face.
Fifth, Using PayPerPost application. There are several applications on Facebook that provide the opportunity for members to earn money as an application Dollars PayPerPost, Cliquecash, Net-60 and many more. For this time I only gave examples PayPerPost application. This application is a program of paid posts that allow us to install the banner referral link site in our Facebook profiles. If there are people who signed up PayPerPost through your link, you will earn $ 15 per registrant. good is not it? Kalo 1000 registrant lived there just multiply. Before you enroll in this application, you'll want to have a Paypal account because the commission will be paid through a PayPal account. Here's how to use PayPerPost application in:
* Open your Facebook page
* Click the Applications button in the lower left corner
* Click the Browse Other Applications
* Type the word PayPerPost in the search box and hit enter
* You will see PayPerPost application, click on the application
* Will open a new page, click Go to Applications
* Next comes the permissions window, click Allow
* Then you will be taken to the login page application PayPerPost
* If you have previously registered on the site and have account, please enter your username and password you PayPerPost account and click the link, if you do not have, fill out the form on the page, then click on Blogger
* If successful, you can simply invite your friends to join PayPerPost by clicking on the link Invite Friends
So little information about the benefits of Facebook for your business in the hope that Facebook is not just for fun just happy, but it can find and get the money through Facebook. How? Are you interested in looking for money through facebook? Hopefully, after reading this article, you can gain money through Facebook. Success To You.
♬ One More For The Road ♫
It’s quarter to three There’s no one in the place, except you and me So set
’em’ up Joe, I’ve got a little story, you oughta know We’re drinking my
friend ...
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